Thursday, May 11, 2006

Grand Re-Opening

First I'd like to welcome everyone back to the newly redesigned web site. The redesign has been on my "to do" list for a while now and the implosion of the old website at the hands of our old web host made this time as good as any to implement the changes.

Unfortunately when my last web host lost all my files, I lost the entire published gallery of images. The new Gallery starts in January 2006. Although I still have all the older images stored off-line, it would take too much time to republish them. Oh well, moving forward...

Many of the pictures in the current Gallery, you may have seen before, if you subscribe to the semi-weekly e-mails I send out. The images for late April and May are completely new, however.

Please enjoy the new web site, and I hope to deliver some exciting new content over the next few months.