Monday, June 02, 2008

A new beginning… The Everglades Photographic Society.

Well things don’t always turn out the way you plan them. I’ve been at home sick for most of the month of May. My daughter brought home a cold that only lasted about five days for most people that caught it, but for me it turned into a throat and upper respiratory infection that kept me indoors most of the time. On the upside, I finally got to finish a couple of those X-box games that have been sitting on my shelf. The downside is that the gallery has been sparse lately.

However, another upside to all of this is that I’ve had some time to work on re-launching the Everglades Photographic Society (EPS) website. There are three fantastic articles on the site by fellow EPS members, for you to read and comment on. I will be publishing several articles on photography on the EPS website later in the year, and if things go as planned I will be producing a couple of video tutorials as well. At this time we hope to have regular updates every other month, so look for all new material on the EPS website again in August. Don’t forget to comment on the articles and let us know what you think.